Debbie Flint

‘Take a Chance on Me – my debut novel with Choc Lit

You may or may not know that I am published with UK independent publisher Choc Lit, and my very first novel with them, Take a Chance on Me, became a top 50 best selling e book last year. My ambition of a lifetime was fulfilled at Christmas, when it went into bookshops including WH Smith travel, where it reached number 79 in the charts. It was such a pleasure to see my book on a proper bookshop shelf, via a proper publisher.

Well the latest news is that Lyn my lovely publisher has now sold the French rights to a company who will be doing the translation into French! That has finally made me feel like a proper author 🙂

Previously she informed me that Antonia Beamish would be narrating, for Howes. Their Wholebook Audio is huge and you will be able to get it on CD as well as download eg via audible. Antonia has an excellent voice and I was thrilled to talk to her on the phone – which according to the Crimefest panel from audible, is quite rare. 

now available – full report is here

Finally a look ahead. My next book will be the sister’s story. There is a prequel called Hawaiian Escape on Amazon which takes you into the past before Take a

Chance on Me happened. So my current Work in Progress is set just afterwards, and is based on, but NOT IDENTICAL TO, my sequel, previously published as Hawaiian Retreat.

More about Choc Lit here

More about take a chance on me from Amazon here. It now has over 120 five star reviews!

For a full run down of my books and other writing see below or go to ‘writing’ tab at top of this page.



My books – For the full list of my fiction and non fiction novels, novellas, short stories – info and links to buy them just go here. Or see below.

As usual, here’s the round up of my own titles! I’d appreciate a review on Amazon (go here) and Goodreads (go here)! Enjoy! x

eBooks  – all available on Amazon – paperback or eBook (kindle or kindle app or kindle on PC or Mac)

paperbacks – five fiction titles all available in paperback – via Amazon – see below.


HAWAIIAN TRILOGY (2013/4) – romantic fiction in either steamy or PG options!

Book 1 Hawaiian Escape Steamy or Hawaiian Escape PG, the prequel to Hawaiian Affair – is now available on Amazon in eBook or paperback in both PG original and steamy (just released last week!).

Book 2 Hawaiian Affair Steamy – now called Take a Chance on Me, with Choc Lit publisher  available on Amazon. Paperback coming to shops Dec 2015! yay!

Book 3 Hawaiian Retreat – Helen’s Story – Just click this link to see steamy version. Paperback also available

 DIARY OF A WANNABE SHOPPING CHANNEL PRESENTER – a stand alone story – Bridget Jones meets Alan Partridge meets Eddie Murphy in ‘Holy Man’ –click here to buy Ebook on amazon, and click here to buy paperback


‘When Dreams Return’ (2014) – spooky romantic short story – when Chelle’s pal Sara gets her to conjure up her ideal man with a full moon magic spell, she gets more than she bargained for… also appears in Hocus Pocus anthology.

The Valentine’s Surprise (2010) is a short story proving it’s never too late to find your Sir Galahad!

And Work in Progress, a compendium in paperback of Dairy of a Wannabe plus the two short stories in one volume.

Also – for Hallowe’en – an anthology of short spooky stories by 13 authors including many new shorts and my When Dreams Return in paperback! Hocus Pocus ’14 – ebook or paperback.

 ‘Battle of the Exes’, written for Valentine’s Day 2015, features in ‘Roses are Red’ anthology of six short stories on Amazon ebook and paperback too.


Till the Fat Lady Slims 2.0 – the ‘When’ Diet – is my semi-autobiographical weight loss book – updated for 2014 to include the latest thinking about nutrition. Learn how to eat like slim people do.

Go here to get Till the Fat Lady Slims 3.0 – Tips and Tale to Inspire on amazon

Go here to get its predecessor (read 2.0 first) Till the Fat Lady Slims 2.0 – the When diet on amazon